I am a freelancer with a focus on software development and requirements engineering. I support companies located in or near Graz, Austria, in building software solutions and help them to improve their processes and workflows by means of software and often Kanban.
I have more than 20 years of experience various IT roles in different sectors like finance, e-commerce and health management, but always with a focus on software development. I hold a master's degree in information processing science and software engineering leadership. For a more detailed curriculum vitae visit my LinkIn profile.
Open source software development is a passion of mine and I maintain a couple of projects that scratched an itch of mine or seemed fun to explore. For more information take a look a projects section and visit my GitHub profile or PyPI profile.
Occasionally I give talks at conferences or local user group meetings, typically to pass on knowledge I gained and think that might be useful to others. You can find them in the blog section and the talks GitHub project. I also help organizing the pyGRAZ Python User Group.
And finally, there are few publications related to software development you can read and download.